"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"
-- Thornton Wilder, Our Town

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Assignment 11

Little Kids...Big Potential
     I was beyond impressed with these first graders. Not only were they cute, they could kick my butt with anything technology related! All the things they were learning were so cool. I think that this is wonderful for these kids. They mentioned how it was helping them with their writing as well. I think that aspect is very neat. I love that they are free to do centers online as well. They seem to love the time they get to spend blogging. These kids were just so awesome! I also loved that they worked in groups. This teaches them teamwork at a very young age. I also loved that they got to use their Nintendo DSs to learn.
      Ms. Cassidy has a lot of wonderful ideas when it comes to education.  I really likes that she introduces technology at such a young age. A lot of teachers would probably not see the use in letting kids that small work with technology. That's when they learn the best though. These students are developing skills that they will use for a long time. I also believe that the idea of blogging is cool for these young kids. They will be able to look back at their work years later. I would love to use blogging in my classroom. It's a neat idea for kids to keep up with their work, as well as what others are doing. It's a good way for them to develop their own PLN. I really enjoyed Ms. Cassidy's interview as well as her YouTube video.


  1. I certainly hope you and your students blog. That is what we are trying to make certain you do!

  2. Emily,

    I completely agree! While some people are surprised that kids this young can work with a computer, we've got to remember that young kids today have been immersed in technology for their whole lives. I plan to blog in my classroom, too. I think it's great for keeping a "writer's notebook". Your blog looks great and I love the cartoons! Keep up the great work.
